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Study cards Feelings

Study cards Feelings

Regular price €19,25 EUR
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Action cards created in cooperation with a psychologist for recognizing and coping with different feelings.

12 cards explaining feelings;
24 action cards.

A map explaining the feeling the title of the lesson and an illustrative picture are on the front. On the back there is an example of what kind of situation can cause such a feeling and helpful questions to understand the feeling.

Action cards is helpful in dealing with feelings. The card has the name of the activity, an illustrative drawing and an instruction for the activity.

Created in cooperation with psychologist Rebecca Põldma. @remap_psychologist

A map explaining the feeling the title of the lesson and an illustrative picture are on the front. On the back there is an example of what kind of situation can cause such a feeling and helpful questions to understand the feeling.

Action cards are helpful in dealing with feelings. The card has the name of the activity, an illustrative drawing and an instruction for the activity. The feelings are divided into three categories:

🟢GREEN (happy, calm, grateful, proud);
🟡YELLOW (confused, anxious, jealous, helpless);
🔴REDS (sad, scared, angry, disappointed).

Action cards are labeled based on the same colors. There are 8 different activities for each category.

How to use?
If the child has a strong feeling, then:

1. look at pictures of feelings together and map the feeling;
2. discuss the questions on the back of the feeling card;
3. randomly pick one action card that corresponds to the color of the mapped feeling and act according to the instructions on the card.

Study the cards together at other times and talk using the guiding questions on the cards.

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